& Green Tech

my mission includes contributing to sustainability, green technologies, and renewable energy.

I am grateful that I could play a part in the success of the following projects:

Green Mining Dao - v2

Version 2 - A new Look

GMDAO Aims to revolutionize the financial industry, but it's mission is to do it in a sustainable way.

After successfully raising funds for the pilot project it was time to scale the brand to include a broader market, this is our second iteration of the identity.

Green Mining Dao - v2

Version 2 - A new Look

GMDAO Aims to revolutionize the financial industry, but it's mission is to do it in a sustainable way.

After successfully raising funds for the pilot project it was time to scale the brand to include a broader market, this is our second iteration of the identity and website.

- green bitcoin mining, Switzerland


- Brand Identity v1

- Identity v2 Implementation,

Extended Style Guide,

Custom Illustrations and assets

- Web design & Prototyping: Figma

- Web Implementation: Webflow

Successfully Raised 1.5+ Million

Green Mining Dao - v1

The first iteration

Our go to market strategy was to reach out to early adopters first, so our first identity had a highly technical feel.After successfully raising in the first round, we later updated our identity to include a broader market.


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- green bitcoin mining, Switzerland

Successfully Raised 1+ Million


- Identity Implementation, Extended Style Guide,

Web design, Custom Icons,

Web Implementation: Webflow

- 2023


is helping sustainable organization leverage decentralized technologies for positive impact.


- Identity, Style Guide,

Web design, Custom Icons,

Web implementation - webflow

- 2021

Successfully Raised seed fund

atelier cru

is a Portuguese architecture studio revolutionizing the way we build, at the moment working on an impressive rammed earth project in Portugal.


- Style Guide, Web design,

- Web Implementation: webflow

- 2021

logic energy

is a sustainability-focused company that simplifies remote data collection for renewable energy systems. They now use their technology in various products, including IoT devices for construction, smart home systems, and educational content for schools.


- Identity, Logo Design, Style Guide,

Energy app Designs,

LE Apps / Product Prototypes and Designs

- 2016

WindCrane App example

A Logic Energy Product, used for weather monitoring.

Watty Watty

a Logic Energy Product, helps schools monitor your existing energy usage and assess renewable energy potential; keep a track of green energy production and educate and inform students, staff and school visitors.


- Identity, Logo Design, Style Guide,

Website Implementation: Wordpress,

App Prototype

- 2016

Watty Watty

a Logic Energy Product, helps schools monitor their existing energy usage and assess renewable energy potential; keep a track of green energy production and educate and inform students, staff and school visitors.


Biosistem makes high-tech furnaces that use eco fuel like biomass.

Through their innovative design they can reach much higher burning temperatures than regular furnaces, leaving very little residue.

By using biomass they offer heating solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost effective also.


- Brand Identity, Logo Design, Web Layout,

Web implementation - wordpress

- 2016